Romantic comedies are among the most popular genres in cinema, with multiple major motion pictures within its walls releasing each year. While the subject matter, time period, and themes may change the general formula generally follows a common thread. Today we visit the movie that helped define that common thread in cinematic form. A movie that many consider the blueprint and one of the greatest romantic comedies of movie history. A film boasting great writing, fantastic performances, and led by a legendary director.
So if you’re like me and you enjoy film and the impact and emotions they convey then grab a glass of your preferred liquid and join me for the next little while. For me, that’s a chocolate malt milkshake. So sit back, relax, and let’s talk about the love of film. Welcome to Glazed Cinema.
Our film begins with the image of a luxury yacht idle on open water. On the yacht a young woman and her father are having an argument about the woman’s future. She, a recently married woman plans on living with her new husband, a wealthy young man named King Wesley. Her father, who doesn’t approve of her husband nor the marriage tried to talk her out of this plan. After a brief discourse he leaves the room and she begins to stew, plotting her next move. Her next move becomes quite clear when another vessel begins to approach. Seeing an opportunity she jumps into the water and swims toward the vessel. As the crew of her father’s boat yells toward her it is too late as she is now on the other vessel, heading in the opposite direction. She is heading away with the plan of eluding her father to meet up with her husband stateside. Worried for her safety, but also wanting to prevent her meeting King Wesley he outs an ad out wanting her safe return in exchange for a hefty cash reward.
Around the same time a recently out of work newsman spots the young woman and sees an opportunity. He sets a plan in place to accompany her and write a story for his old paper to get his job back. Presenting this plan to Ellie the two agree on the condition that he’ll see she arrive safely and he gets the story he needs. So together they travel the east coast by bus, car, and foot, staying in a rooms together and thwarting those after them. Posing as a honeymooning couple the outside world sees them together l, but when inside the same bedroom they’re separated by the Walls of Jericho or a bed comforter. It’s a plan that on its surface seems pretty fail safe, after all, what could go wrong?
Our subject today involves four major characters, two of which are our protagonists. First is Ellen Andrews, played by Claudette Colbert who has run away from her wealthy father’s ship to reunite with her husband. Ellen or Ellie is a young attractive, spoiled, headstrong woman, who at first seems snobbish is quite down to earth. She’s also not only resilient, but witty and resourceful. There’s also the man who is accompanying her, a recently out of work newspaper man named Peter Warne, played by Clark Gable. Warne is a confident, bordering on arrogant man who is witty and charming. Warne, recently out of work sees an opportunity to land his job back by reeling in a big story, anchored by Ellie and her odyssey. Then there’s Ellen’s father Alexander Andrews, played by Walter Connolly. Andrews is a wealthy socialite who wants his daughter back so he can talk to her about the elopement he is against. Lastly there’s Peter’s old editor who he provides updates to via phone to keep him on the line he’s cast.
All four of these characters, two on the inside and two on the outside play off each other in a preverbal tug of war to see who will come out on top.
It Happened One Night was directed by the great Frank Capra and is widely considered to be the blueprint for the romantic comedy genre in film. By the time Capra set himself to making this film he had already directed a number of pictures including Lady for a Day, American Madness, and The Miracle Woman.
Written by Frank Capra, its plot plays on a long successful story arc, which we can trace back to Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. Here though, those themes are put to celluloid for a modern audience for the first time. Here several themes and aspects help to make this film successful. Included in these are two people with opposite personalities put together, exterior forces trying to separate them, and differing financial classes. With It Happened One Night these translate to a high glass lady and mid class man ducking detectives trying to return the lady to her millionaire father.
The thing that makes this movie a success however is the chemistry between Ellie and Peter, Colbert and Gable. There differences in class and stature are juxtaposed by their likeness in wit and charisma. From the jump as the two are united they begin to banter and trade verbal jabs. At times playful, other times bickering, their relationship is incredibly entertaining, drawing us in and keeping our attention. It’s in a word mesmerizing and at times makes a rather bland scene thrilling and exhilarating.
The first time I saw this movie I was wanting something light hearted to watch that was new to me. After considering some options I opted for our subject today. When the movie began it seemed at once familiar, but at the same time refreshing. The moments of the film kept me wanting to see more from the sing-along bus ride to the campground antics, and the dichotomy of all these wonderful characters. I also got to see it screened at my local theater last year and was tickled that this film not only held up, but had people cackling. It was a true joy and great experience to see this with other people on the big screen. If you ever get the opportunity to do so, be sure to.
In terms of memorable moments and scenes, the great part about this movie is that there are so many to choose from. One of my favorites is the scene in which Peter shows Ellie how to hitchhike. It’s probably among the most famous of scenes as well, though I love a moment slightly afterward. Overall, the hitchhike scene is great with terrific buildup, which I won’t spoil, but my favorite part of the scene is when they’re in the car the hitch a ride on. The driver, a slightly older man begins talking about hitchhiking and how fond he is of the practice. In his excitement he begins singing about hitchhiking, which surprises Ellie who cranes her head to investigate. She looks at him in a way that to me feels unscripted, almost as if she’s verifying that this is actually happening and that he’s actually singing. He begins bellowing the lines, “hitchhiking down the highway of love on a honeymoon. Hitchhiking down the highway…” in a manner that I just cannot do justice. While he’s singing the two are in the backseat whispering and snickering to each other. When the man begins belting out the word down the camera cuts back to him and he is giving it ever last bit of effort he can muster and man every time I watch it I’m in tears, it’s so funny for all the right reasons.
When It Happened One Night debuted it achieved rave reviews and quickly became a fan favorite. More than that it also preformed superbly on the award circuit. In fact, it was the first film to win all five major Academy Awards including Best Film, Director, Actor, Actress, and Screenplay.
After the success of this film Capra went on to make other great movies afterward including Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, You Can’t Take it With You, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. While he has made many other great films, It Happened One Night continues to be among his crowning achievements.
It also went on to inspire the screwball comedy, with movies such as His Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, and Some Like it Hot. We can also see the fingerprints of It Happened One Night in later efforts including Pretty Woman and Maid in Manhattan. No matter how many times other films have taken from our subject today it has never been surpassed by another.
It Happened One Night is an endearing romantic comedy that has influenced generations of filmmakers and entertained scores of moviegoers. Today it is widely considered one of the best movies of all time and a delight to new audiences even ninety years after its release. If you’ve never seem It Happened One Night I highly recommend pressing play to enjoy its splendor. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
If you’d like to watch It Happened One Night for yourself you can find it on a variety of streaming services. At the time of this recording you can find it on Tubi. Tubi is a streaming service with a diverse catalog of TV shows and movies and the best part is it’s completely free to enjoy.
You can also find it on other services including YouTube, Prime Video, Google Play, and Apple TV for $3.99 to rent.
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